Bobcat TL 43.80 R STUFE V cargadora telescópica

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Antes de confirmar una compra, revise detenidamente varias ofertas de venta para ver cuál es el precio medio del equipo elegido. Si el precio de la oferta que le interesa es mucho menor que el de ofertas similares, piénselo dos veces. Una diferencia de precio significativa puede conllevar a defectos ocultos o a un intento de fraude por parte del vendedor.
No compre productos cuyo precio diste mucho del precio medio de equipos similares.
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Esta es la forma más habitual de fraude. Ciertos vendedores pueden requerir una cantidad del pago por adelantado en concepto de «reserva» de su compra. Así, los estafadores perciben grandes cantidades de dinero y después desaparecen sin dejar huella.
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- Dicha solicitud debe alarmarle, ya que en la mayoría de los casos se trata de fraudes.
- Transferencia a una cuenta de una empresa con un nombre similar
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Contactos del vendedor

Power: 99 KW (135 HP)
Speed Km/h: 40
Number: 300319284
Preis: Price on Application
4 WD
Load Sensing
TL 43.80 R LEVEL V
(0010) TL 43.80 basic machine
(0020) Frame and telescopic arm
(0030) Bobcat pick-up with manual locking
(0040) Locking mechanism
(0050) Auxiliary hydraulics with leakage oil line and
(0060) Quick couplings
(0070) Heavy-duty axles with differential lock
(0080) Lock in the front axle (45%)
(0090) Spirit level in the cab
(0100) Welded box frame with
(0110) Reinforcement for holding the components
(0120) Telescopic arm and lift arm damping during
(0130) Retracting or lifting
(0140) Pulling device on the front frame
(0150) Blocking device for lift arm
(0160) (For maintenance work)
(0170) Halogen street lighting
(0180) (front and rear)
(0190) Right and left rear view mirror
(0210) Cab and main functions
(0220) Cab design with clear view to
(0230) rear right
(0240) (patented cab design)
(0250) Cab with fully glazed side door
(0260) Tinted glass
(0270) ROPS/FOPS (level II) cab
(0280) Automatic handbrake
(0290) Halogen work lights on the cab
(0300) Cab (2 at the front + 1 at the rear) and in the
(0310) right rear side of the machine
(0320) Rotating beacon (pre-installation)
(0330) Rear window wiper with washer nozzle
(0340) Front windshield wiper with washer nozzle
(0350) (fast
slow & medium
(0360) speed)
(0370) Adjustable steering wheel column
(0380) Mechanically sprung seat
(0390) Heater with ventilation
(0410) Overload warning device with
(0420) Load cut-off according to EN15000
(0430) Standard 5-inch display with
(0440) Operator jog shuttle
(0450) (Theft protection
prepared for
(0460) Rear camera & service diagnostics)
(0470) USB socket (cell phone charging)
(0480) Standard proportional joystick (incl
(0490) Forward/reverse and fast
(0500) /slow speed)
(0510) System (SHS) for setting the
(0520) Speeds (lift arm
telescopic arm
(0530) Tilt-in/tilt-out)
(0540) Travel speed adjustment
(0550) independent of the engine speed
(0560) Additional hydraulic flow adjustment (AFM)
(0570) for the required oil quantity - also
(0580) permanent oil supply
(0590) 3 steering modes (front axle
(0600) crab steering) /with semi-automatic
(0610) wheel equalization
(0620) (manual equalization remains available)
(0630) Machine IQ (Telematic System for
(0640) transmission of service data
(0650) and fault codes)
(0670) Drive-engine-hydraulics
(0680) Hydrostatic drive with
(0690) electronic regulation and
(0700) dynamic driving mode
(0710) 2 hydrostatic speeds
(0720) (high-speed working gear) with automatic shifting
(0730) gearshift + 2-speed transmission
(0740) Box
(0750) 30 km/h top speed with 24
(0760) inch tires (40 km/h is optional)
(0770) Inch brake pedal (for easy
(0780) regulation of the driving speed
(0790) without changing the engine speed)
(0800) Standard tire set of 4 x 405/70-20"
(0810) TL43.80HF:Turbo engine
(0820) Bobcat D34 Stage V - 135 HP / 500Nm
(0830) Electronic high pressure injection
(0840) Common Rail - exhaust system with diesel exhaust filter
(0850) Particle filter (DPF)
diesel oxidation
(0860) Catalytic converter (DOC) and selective
(0870) exhaust gas treatment (SCR)
(0880) Built-in air cyclone pre-filter
(0890) Electronic battery master switch EBD
(0900) High-capacity battery 110 Ah/900 CCA
(0910) Standby to minus -16°
(0920) Load sensing pump 190 l/min
(0930) and flow rate distribution terminal
(0950) 3 year warranty or 3000 hours
(0960) (Whichever occurs first)
(0980) AGRI package options
(0990) Hydraulic quick coupler
(1000) Boom harness with control from the cab
(1010) Cab ( necessary for hydraulic cutting unit )
(1020) Dust and dirt guard on telescopic arm
(1030) Tool box
(1040) Automatic linkage suspension
(1050) Floating position
(1060) 6 LED work lights
(1070) Extra 2 LED work lights on the
(1080) Right-hand mirror linkage
(1090) LED road lighting
(1100) (Road lighting
rotating beacon and
(1110) reversing light)
(1120) Reversing alarm/white noise)
(1130) License plate holder
(1140) Rotatable trailer coupling (incl
(1150) Electric socket)
(1160) Rear view mirror for trailer coupling
(1170) Rear hydraulics (double-acting)
(1180) 40 km/h speed (with 24" tires)
(1200) Front and rear windshield wiper with
(1210) Washer system
(1220) Roof wiper with washer system
(1230) Electric
adjustable and heated
(1240) Right-hand mirror
(1250) Automatic reverse ventilation
(1260) Smart joystick proportional control
(1270) Forward/reverse control
(1280) Shake function bucket and
(1290) Float position - as preparation
(1300) Forward/reverse driving additionally on the
(1310) Steering wheel (lever)
(1320) 7-inch touch display incl. radio
(1330) Bluetooth with microphone
loudspeaker & (1340) Connection to mobile phone
(1340) Connection to cell phone
(1350) and job manager
(1360) Rear camera
(1370) Hand throttle & Flex Drive mode
(1380) Air conditioning
(1400) Deluxe steering wheel
key fob
(1410) Phone holder
(1420) Adjustable steering column
(1430) Document holder
(1440) Electrical socket (3 PIN)
(1450) 4 steering modes
(1460) (2-wheel/4-wheel/ crab steering/half-crab steering)
(1470) Button for work lights
(1480) Setting for dynamic driving
(1490) Eco mode
(1500) Reset bucket to
(1510) Starting position
(1520) Setting the maximum lifting height
(1540) Additional option
(1550) Height-adjustable
(1560) Trailer coupling incl. socket
(1570) (German system)
(1580) Tires
(1600) Land double working economy
(1610) Protective grille for windshield